Google Cloud Build

Skaffold supports building remotely with Google Cloud Build.

Cloud Build is a Google Cloud Platform service that executes your builds using Google infrastructure. To get started with Cloud Build, see Cloud Build Quickstart.

Skaffold automatically connects to Cloud Build and runs your builds with it. After Cloud Build finishes building your artifacts, they are saved to the specified remote registry, such as Google Container Registry.

Skaffold’s Cloud Build process differs from the gcloud command gcloud builds submit. Skaffold does the following:

  • Creates a list of dependent files
  • Uploads a tar file of the dependent files to Google Cloud Storage
  • Submits the tar file to Cloud Build
  • Generates a single-step cloudbuild.yaml
  • Starts the build

Skaffold does not honor .gitignore or .gcloudignore exclusions. If you need to ignore files, use .dockerignore. Any cloudbuild.yaml found will not be used in the build process.


To use Cloud Build, add build type googleCloudBuild to the build section of skaffold.yaml.

  googleCloudBuild: {}

The following options can optionally be configured:

Option Description Default
projectId ID of your Cloud Platform Project. If it is not provided, Skaffold will guess it from the image name. For example, given the artifact image name, Skaffold will use the myproject GCP project.
diskSizeGb disk size of the VM that runs the build. See Cloud Build Reference.
machineType type of the VM that runs the build. See Cloud Build Reference.
timeout amount of time (in seconds) that this build should be allowed to run. See Cloud Build Reference.
logging specifies the logging mode. Valid modes are: LOGGING_UNSPECIFIED: The service determines the logging mode. LEGACY: Stackdriver logging and Cloud Storage logging are enabled (default). GCS_ONLY: Only Cloud Storage logging is enabled. See Cloud Build Reference.
logStreamingOption specifies the behavior when writing build logs to Google Cloud Storage. Valid options are: STREAM_DEFAULT: Service may automatically determine build log streaming behavior. STREAM_ON: Build logs should be streamed to Google Cloud Storage. STREAM_OFF: Build logs should not be streamed to Google Cloud Storage; they will be written when the build is completed. See Cloud Build Reference.
dockerImage image that runs a Docker build. See Cloud Builders.
kanikoImage image that runs a Kaniko build. See Cloud Builders.
mavenImage image that runs a Maven build. See Cloud Builders.
gradleImage image that runs a Gradle build. See Cloud Builders.
packImage image that runs a Cloud Native Buildpacks build. See Cloud Builders.
koImage image that runs a ko build. The image must contain Skaffold, Go, and a shell (runnable as sh) that supports here documents. See Cloud Builders.
bucket specifies the Cloud Storage bucket to store the staged build sources.
concurrency how many artifacts can be built concurrently. 0 means “no-limit”. 0
workerPool configures a pool of workers to run the build.
region configures the region to run the build. If WorkerPool is configured, the region will be deduced from the WorkerPool configuration. If neither WorkerPool nor Region is configured, the build will be run in global(non-regional). See Cloud Build locations.
platformEmulatorInstallStep specifies a pre-build step to install the required tooling for QEMU emulation on the GoogleCloudBuild containers. This enables performing cross-platform builds on GoogleCloudBuild. If unspecified, Skaffold uses the docker/binfmt image by default.
serviceAccount Google Cloud platform service account used by Cloud Build. If unspecified, it defaults to the Cloud Build service account generated when the Cloud Build API is enabled.

Faster builds

By default, Cloud Build (invoked by Skaffold) builds all artifacts in parallel. Set concurrency to a non-zero value to specify the maximum number of artifacts to build concurrently. Consider reducing concurrency if you hit a quota restriction.


Skaffold currently supports the following builder types when building remotely with Cloud Build:

Last modified January 23, 2025: release: v2.14.0 (#9668) (f132ab25)