Custom Actions

With Skaffold you can define generic actions in a declarative way using a Skaffold config file (skaffold.yaml), and execute them with the skaffold exec <action-name> command.

A generic action (a.k.a. Custom Action), defines a list of containers that will be executed in parallel when the action is invoked. A Custom Action execution is considered successful if all its containers end without errors, and considered as failed if one or more of its containers report an error.

Defining Custom Actions

A Skaffold config file can define one or more Custom Actions using the customActions stanza. Each action and container must be identified by an unique name across modules/configurations. NOTE: Two different profiles can have an action each, with the same name.

Therefore, a configuration for a Custom Action named update-infra, with two containers, update-db-schema and setup-external-proxy, will be defined like this in a skaffold.yaml file:

apiVersion: skaffold/v4beta5
kind: Config

  - name: update-infra
      - name: update-db-schema
      - name: setup-external-proxy

Running skaffold exec update-infra with the previous configuration will trigger the execution of the update-infra action, as a local (Docker) action, creating and running a container for update-db-schema (using the image), and setup-external-proxy (using the image). The output will look like this:

$ skaffold exec update-infra
Starting execution for update-infra
[setup-external-proxy] updating proxy version...
[setup-external-proxy] copying proxy rules...   
[setup-external-proxy] starting proxy...
[update-db-schema] starting db update...
[update-db-schema] db schema update completed
[setup-external-proxy] proxy configured

To check the list of available options to configure an action please refer to the customActions stanza documentation.

Executing Custom Actions

The skaffold exec <action-name> command will allow the execution of a defined Custom Action. During execution, Skaffold will stream the logs from the containers associated with the given action. If the execution of the action is successful, Skaffold will return a status code 0, if it fails, it wil return 1. To check the available options for the skaffold exec command, please refer to the CLI documentation.


Per default, a Custom Action does not have a timeout configured, which means, the action will run until it completes (success or fail). Using the customActions[].timeout property you can change the previous behaviour, adding a desired timeout in seconds:

apiVersion: skaffold/v4beta5
kind: Config

  - name: update-infra
    timeout: 10 # <- 10 seconds timeout.
      - name: update-db-schema
      - name: setup-external-proxy

Running skaffold exec update-infra with the previous configuration will fail if the Custom Action takes more than 10 seconds to complete. If the timeout is triggered, Skaffold will stop any running container and will return a status code 1:

$ skaffold exec update-infra
tarting execution for update-infra
[setup-external-proxy] updating proxy version...
[setup-external-proxy] copying proxy rules...
[setup-external-proxy] starting proxy...
[update-db-schema] starting db update...
context deadline exceeded

Skaffold will return status code 0 if all the containers associated with the given action finish their execution before the 10 seconds timeout.

Fail strategy

A Custom Action will be run with a fail-fast strategy, which means, if one container associated with the action fails, Skaffold will stop any running container, and will return a status code 1:

The following skaffold.yaml config:

apiVersion: skaffold/v4beta5
kind: Config

  - name: update-infra
      - name: update-db-schema
      - name: setup-external-proxy

With an error in the update-db-schema container, will produce the following output:

$ skaffold exec update-infra
Starting execution for update-infra
[setup-external-proxy] updating proxy version...
[setup-external-proxy] copying proxy rules...
[setup-external-proxy] starting proxy...
[update-db-schema] starting db update...
"update-db-schema" running container image "" errored during run with status code: 1

The previous default behaviour can be change with the customActions[].failFast property, changing its value to false:

apiVersion: skaffold/v4beta5
kind: Config

  - name: update-infra
    failFast: false # <- Set to false, making it fail-safe.
      - name: update-db-schema
      - name: setup-external-proxy

The previous configuration indicates Skaffold to run the update-infra action with a fail-safe strategy, which means, Skaffold will not interrupt any container if one or more of them fail; all the containers will run until they finish (success or fail):

Starting execution for update-infra
[setup-external-proxy] updating proxy version...
[setup-external-proxy] copying proxy rules...
[setup-external-proxy] starting proxy...
[update-db-schema] starting db update...
[setup-external-proxy] proxy configured
1 error(s) occurred:
* "update-db-schema" running container image "" errored during run with status code: 1

Execution modes

A Custom Action has an execution mode associated with it that indicates Skaffold in which environment and how the containers of that action should be created and executed. This execution mode can be configured with the customActions[].executionMode property. These are the available execution modes for a Custom Action:

Local (Docker) - default

This is the default configuration when no customActions[].executionMode is specified. With this execution mode, Skaffold will run every container associated to a given Custom Action with a Docker daemon.

Remote (K8s job)

With this execution mode, Skaffold will create a K8s job for each container associated with the given action. For the following configuration:

apiVersion: skaffold/v4beta5
kind: Config

  - name: update-infra
      kubernetesCluster: {} # <- Indicates Skaffold to run the action with K8s jobs.
      - name: update-db-schema
      - name: setup-external-proxy

Skaffold will create one K8s job for update-db-schema and another for setup-external-proxy. The jobs will use the following template per default:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: # <- Container name defined in skaffold.yaml.
      containers: # <- Only one container, the one defined in the skaffold.yaml.
      # ...
      restartPolicy: Never
  backoffLimit: 0

The template can be extended using the customActions[].executionMode.kubernetesCluster.overrides and customActions[].executionMode.kubernetesCluster.jobManifestPath properties.

Skaffold build + exec

Custom Actions can be used together with Skaffold build so the Custom Actions can use images build by Skaffold.

Using the following skaffold.yaml file:

apiVersion: skaffold/v4beta5
kind: Config

    - image: local-db-updater # <- Image build by Skaffold.
      # ...

  - name: update-infra
      - name: update-db-schema
        image: local-db-updater # <- Image build by Skaffold.
      - name: setup-external-proxy

We trigger an Skaffold build using the skaffold build command:

$ skaffold build --file-output=build.json

Skaffold will create a new build.json file with the necessary info. Then, using the generated file, we can run skaffold exec:

$ skaffold exec update-infra --build-artifacts=build.json

That way, Skaffold will be able to run the local-db-updater image in the update-infra Custom Action.

Last modified January 23, 2025: release: v2.14.0 (#9668) (f132ab25)