This is a generated reference for the Skaffold API gRPC layer.

We also generate the reference doc for the HTTP layer.


You can find the source for v1/skaffold.proto on Github.



Describes all the methods for the Skaffold API

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
GetState .google.protobuf.Empty State Returns the state of the current Skaffold execution
EventLog LogEntry stream LogEntry stream DEPRECATED. Events should be used instead. TODO remove (
Events .google.protobuf.Empty LogEntry stream Returns all the events of the current Skaffold execution from the start
Execute UserIntentRequest .google.protobuf.Empty Allows for a single execution of some or all of the phases (build, sync, deploy) in case autoBuild, autoDeploy or autoSync are disabled.
AutoBuild TriggerRequest .google.protobuf.Empty Allows for enabling or disabling automatic build trigger
AutoSync TriggerRequest .google.protobuf.Empty Allows for enabling or disabling automatic sync trigger
AutoDeploy TriggerRequest .google.protobuf.Empty Allows for enabling or disabling automatic deploy trigger
Handle Event .google.protobuf.Empty EXPERIMENTAL. It allows for custom events to be implemented in custom builders for example.

Data types


ActionableErr defines an error that occurred along with an optional list of suggestions

Field Type Label Description
errCode enums.StatusCode error code representing the error
message string message describing the error.
suggestions Suggestion repeated list of suggestions


BuildEvent describes the build status per artifact, and will be emitted by Skaffold anytime a build starts or finishes, successfully or not. If the build fails, an error will be attached to the event.

Field Type Label Description
artifact string artifact name
status string artifact build status oneof: InProgress, Completed, Failed
err string Deprecated. Use actionableErr.message. error when build status is Failed.
errCode enums.StatusCode Deprecated. Use actionableErr.errCode. status code representing success or failure
actionableErr ActionableErr actionable error message
hostPlatform string architecture of the host machine. For example linux/amd64
targetPlatforms string comma-delimited list of build target architectures. For example linux/amd64,linux/arm64


Field Type Label Description
numberOfArtifacts int32
builders BuildMetadata.ImageBuilder repeated
type enums.BuildType
additional BuildMetadata.AdditionalEntry repeated Additional key value pairs to describe the deploy pipeline


Field Type Label Description
key string
value string


Field Type Label Description
type enums.BuilderType
count int32


BuildState maps Skaffold artifacts to their current build states

Field Type Label Description
artifacts BuildState.ArtifactsEntry repeated A map of artifact name -> build-state. Artifact name is defined in the skaffold.yaml. The build-state can be:
- "Not started": not yet started
- "In progress": build started
- "Complete": build succeeded
- "Failed": build failed
autoTrigger bool
statusCode enums.StatusCode


Field Type Label Description
key string
value string


DebuggingContainerEvent is raised when a debugging container is started or terminated

Field Type Label Description
status string the container status oneof: Started, Terminated
podName string the pod name with the debugging container
containerName string the name of the container configured for debugging
namespace string the namespace of the debugging container
artifact string the corresponding artifact’s image name
runtime string the detected language runtime
workingDir string the working directory in the container image
debugPorts DebuggingContainerEvent.DebugPortsEntry repeated the exposed debugging-related ports


Field Type Label Description
key string
value uint32


DeployEvent represents the status of a deployment, and is emitted by Skaffold anytime a deployment starts or completes, successfully or not.

Field Type Label Description
status string deployment status oneof: InProgress, Completed, Failed
err string Deprecated. Use actionableErr.message. error when status is Failed
errCode enums.StatusCode Deprecated. Use actionableErr.errCode. status code representing success or failure
actionableErr ActionableErr actionable error message


Field Type Label Description
deployers DeployMetadata.Deployer repeated
cluster enums.ClusterType


Field Type Label Description
type enums.DeployerType
count int32


DeployState describes the status of the current deploy

Field Type Label Description
status string
autoTrigger bool
statusCode enums.StatusCode


DevLoopEvent marks the start and end of a dev loop.

Field Type Label Description
iteration int32 dev loop iteration. 0 represents initialization loop.
status string dev loop status oneof: In Progress, Completed, Failed
err ActionableErr actionable error message


Event describes an event in the Skaffold process. It is one of MetaEvent, BuildEvent, TestEvent, DeployEvent, PortEvent, StatusCheckEvent, ResourceStatusCheckEvent, FileSyncEvent, or DebuggingContainerEvent.

Field Type Label Description
metaEvent MetaEvent contains general information regarding Skaffold like version info
buildEvent BuildEvent describes if the build status per artifact. Status could be one of “InProgress”, “Completed” or “Failed”.
deployEvent DeployEvent describes if the deployment has started, is in progress or is complete.
portEvent PortEvent describes each port forwarding event.
statusCheckEvent StatusCheckEvent describes if the Status check has started, is in progress, has succeeded or failed.
resourceStatusCheckEvent ResourceStatusCheckEvent indicates progress for each kubernetes deployment.
fileSyncEvent FileSyncEvent describes the sync status.
debuggingContainerEvent DebuggingContainerEvent describes the appearance or disappearance of a debugging container
devLoopEvent DevLoopEvent describes a start and end of a dev loop.
terminationEvent TerminationEvent describes a skaffold termination event
TestEvent TestEvent describes if the test has started, is in progress or is complete.


FileSyncEvent describes the sync status.

Field Type Label Description
fileCount int32 number of files synced
image string the container image to which files are sycned.
status string status of file sync. one of: Not Started, In progress, Succeeded, Failed.
err string Deprecated. Use actionableErr.message. error in case of status failed.
errCode enums.StatusCode Deprecated. Use actionableErr.errCode. status code representing success or failure
actionableErr ActionableErr actionable error message


FileSyncState contains the status of the current file sync

Field Type Label Description
status string
autoTrigger bool


IntOrString is a type that can hold an int32 or a string.

Field Type Label Description
type int32 type of stored value
intVal int32 int value
strVal string string value


Intent represents user intents for a given phase.

Field Type Label Description
build bool in case skaffold dev is ran with autoBuild=false, a build intent enables building once
sync bool in case skaffold dev is ran with autoSync=false, a sync intent enables file sync once
deploy bool in case skaffold dev is ran with autoDeploy=false, a deploy intent enables deploys once
devloop bool in case skaffold dev is ran with autoDeploy=false, autoSync=false and autoBuild=false a devloop intent enables the entire dev loop once


LogEntry describes an event and a string description of the event.

Field Type Label Description
timestamp google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp of the event.
event Event the actual event that is one of
entry string description of the event.


MetaEvent provides general information regarding Skaffold

Field Type Label Description
entry string entry, for example: "Starting Skaffold: {Version:v0.39.0-16-g5bb7c9e0 ConfigVersion:skaffold/v1 GitVersion: GitCommit:5bb7c9e078e4d522a5ffc42a2f1274fd17d75902 GitTreeState:dirty BuildDate01:29Z GoVersion:go1.13rc1 Compiler:gc Platform:linux/amd64}"
metadata Metadata Metadata describing skaffold pipeline


Field Type Label Description
build BuildMetadata
deploy DeployMetadata
test TestMetadata
additional Metadata.AdditionalEntry repeated Additional key value pairs to describe the build pipeline


Field Type Label Description
key string
value string


PortEvent Event describes each port forwarding event.

Field Type Label Description
localPort int32 local port for forwarded resource
remotePort int32 Deprecated. Uses targetPort.intVal.
podName string pod name if port forwarded resourceType is Pod
containerName string container name if specified in the kubernetes spec
namespace string the namespace of the resource to port forward.
portName string
resourceType string resource type e.g. “pod”, “service”.
resourceName string name of the resource to forward.
address string address on which to bind
targetPort IntOrString target port is the resource port that will be forwarded.


Field Type Label Description
name string


A Resource StatusCheck Event, indicates progress for each kubernetes deployment. For every resource, there will be exactly one event with status Succeeded or Failed event. There can be multiple events with status Pending. Skaffold polls for resource status every 0.5 second. If the resource status changes, an event with status “Pending”, “Complete” and “Failed” will be sent with the new status.

Field Type Label Description
resource string
status string
message string
err string Deprecated. Use actionableErr.message.
statusCode enums.StatusCode
actionableErr ActionableErr actionable error message


Field Type Label Description
msg string


State represents the current state of the Skaffold components

Field Type Label Description
buildState BuildState
deployState DeployState
forwardedPorts State.ForwardedPortsEntry repeated
statusCheckState StatusCheckState
fileSyncState FileSyncState
debuggingContainers DebuggingContainerEvent repeated
metadata Metadata
testState TestState


Field Type Label Description
key int32
value PortEvent


Field Type Label Description
state State


StatusCheckEvent describes if the status check for kubernetes rollout has started, is in progress, has succeeded or failed.

Field Type Label Description
status string
message string
err string Deprecated. Use actionableErr.message.
errCode enums.StatusCode Deprecated. Use actionableErr.errCode. status code representing success or failure
actionableErr ActionableErr actionable error message


StatusCheckState describes the state of status check of current deployed resources.

Field Type Label Description
status string
resources StatusCheckState.ResourcesEntry repeated A map of resource name -> status-check-state. Where resource-name is the kubernetes resource name. The status-check-state can be
- "Not started": indicates that status-check has just started.
- "In progress": InProgress is sent after every resource check is complete.
- "Succeeded": - "Failed":
statusCode enums.StatusCode StatusCheck statusCode


Field Type Label Description
key string
value string


Suggestion defines the action a user needs to recover from an error.

Field Type Label Description
suggestionCode enums.SuggestionCode code representing a suggestion
action string action represents the suggestion action


TerminationEvent marks the end of the skaffold session

Field Type Label Description
status string status oneof: Completed or Failed
err ActionableErr actionable error message


TestEvent represents the status of a test, and is emitted by Skaffold anytime a test starts or completes, successfully or not.

Field Type Label Description
status string test status oneof: InProgress, Completed, Failed
actionableErr ActionableErr actionable error message


TestMetadata describes the test pipeline

Field Type Label Description
Testers TestMetadata.Tester repeated


Field Type Label Description
type enums.TesterType
count int32


TestState describes the current state of the test

Field Type Label Description
status string Status of the current test
statusCode enums.StatusCode Teststate status code


Field Type Label Description
state TriggerState


TriggerState represents trigger state for a given phase.

Field Type Label Description
enabled bool enable or disable a trigger state


Field Type Label Description
intent Intent


Enum indicating build type i.e. local, cluster vs GCB

Name Number Description
UNKNOWN_BUILD_TYPE 0 Could not determine Build Type
CLUSTER 1 Cluster Build
GCB 2 GCB Build
LOCAL 3 Local Build


Enum indicating builders used

Name Number Description
UNKNOWN_BUILDER_TYPE 0 Could not determine builder type
JIB 1 JIB Builder
BAZEL 2 Bazel Builder
BUILDPACKS 3 Buildpacks Builder
CUSTOM 4 Custom Builder
KANIKO 5 Kaniko Builder
DOCKER 6 Docker Builder
KO 7 Ko Builder


Enum indicating cluster type the application is deployed to

Name Number Description
UNKNOWN_CLUSTER_TYPE 0 Could not determine Cluster Type
MINIKUBE 1 Minikube Cluster
GKE 2 GKE cluster
OTHER 3 All Cluster except Minikube and GKE


Enum indicating deploy tools used

Name Number Description
UNKNOWN_DEPLOYER_TYPE 0 Could not determine Deployer Type
HELM 1 Helm Deployer
KUSTOMIZE 2 Kustomize Deployer
KUBECTL 3 Kubectl Deployer
KPT 4 kpt Deployer


Enum indicating the log level of a line of output

Name Number Description
DEBUG 0 Debug Level
INFO 1 Info Level
WARN 2 Warn Level
ERROR 3 Error Level
FATAL 4 Fatal Level
PANIC 5 Panic Level
TRACE 6 Trace Level
STANDARD 7 User-visible output level


Enum indicating render manifests type

Name Number Description
UNKNOWN_RENDER_TYPE 0 Could not determine Render Type
RAWK8S 1 Raw Manifests
KUSTOMIZE_MANIFEST 2 kustomize manifests
HELM_CHART 3 helm charts
KPT_MANIFEST 4 kpt manifests


Enum for Status codes
These error codes are prepended by Phase Name e.g. INIT, BUILD, TEST, DEPLOY, STATUSCHECK, DEVINIT
For Success Error codes, use range 200 to 250.
For Unknown error codes, use range 500 to 600.
For Cancelled Error code, use range 800 to 850.

Name Number Description
OK 0 A default status code for events that do not have an associated phase. Typically seen with the DevEndEvent event on success.
STATUSCHECK_SUCCESS 200 Status Check Success
BUILD_SUCCESS 201 Build Success
RENDER_SUCCESS 204 Render Success
DEPLOY_SUCCESS 202 Deploy Success
TEST_SUCCESS 203 Test Success
BUILD_PUSH_ACCESS_DENIED 101 Build error due to push access denied
BUILD_PROJECT_NOT_FOUND 102 Build error due to GCP project not found.
BUILD_DOCKER_DAEMON_NOT_RUNNING 103 Docker build error due to docker daemon not running
BUILD_USER_ERROR 104 Build error due to user application code, e.g. compilation error, dockerfile error etc
BUILD_DOCKER_UNAVAILABLE 105 Build error due to docker not available
BUILD_DOCKER_UNAUTHORIZED 106 Docker build error due to user not authorized to perform the action
BUILD_DOCKER_SYSTEM_ERR 107 Docker system build error
BUILD_DOCKER_NOT_MODIFIED_ERR 108 Docker build error due to Docker build container is already in the desired state
BUILD_DOCKER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERR 109 Docker build error indicating a feature not supported
BUILD_DOCKER_DATA_LOSS_ERR 110 Docker build error indicates that for given build, data was lost or there is data corruption
BUILD_DOCKER_FORBIDDEN_ERR 111 Docker build error indicates user is forbidden to perform the build or step/action.
BUILD_DOCKER_CONFLICT_ERR 112 Docker build error due to some internal error and docker container state conflicts with the requested action and can’t be performed
BUILD_DOCKER_ERROR_NOT_FOUND 113 Docker build error indicates the requested object does not exist
BUILD_DOCKER_INVALID_PARAM_ERR 114 Docker build error indication invalid parameter sent to docker command
BUILD_DOCKERFILE_NOT_FOUND 115 Docker build failed due to dockerfile not found
BUILD_DOCKER_CACHE_FROM_PULL_ERR 116 Docker build failed due cacheFrom user config error
BUILD_DOCKER_GET_DIGEST_ERR 117 Build error due to digest for built artifact could not be retrieved from docker daemon.
BUILD_DOCKER_NO_SPACE_ERR 127 Build error due no space left in docker.
BUILD_REGISTRY_GET_DIGEST_ERR 118 Build error due to digest for built artifact could not be retrieved from registry.
BUILD_UNKNOWN_JIB_PLUGIN_TYPE 119 Build error indicating unknown Jib plugin type. Should be one of [maven, gradle]
BUILD_JIB_GRADLE_DEP_ERR 120 Build error determining dependency for jib gradle project.
BUILD_JIB_MAVEN_DEP_ERR 121 Build error determining dependency for jib gradle project.
INIT_DOCKER_NETWORK_LISTING_CONTAINERS 122 Docker build error when listing containers.
INIT_DOCKER_NETWORK_INVALID_CONTAINER_NAME 123 Docker build error indicating an invalid container name (or id).
INIT_DOCKER_NETWORK_CONTAINER_DOES_NOT_EXIST 124 Docker build error indicating the container referenced does not exists in the docker context used.
INIT_DOCKER_NETWORK_INVALID_MODE 125 Docker Network invalid mode
INIT_DOCKER_NETWORK_PARSE_ERR 126 Error parsing Docker Network mode
BUILD_GCB_GET_BUILD_ID_ERR 129 GCB error indicating an error to fetch build id.
BUILD_GCB_GET_BUILD_STATUS_ERR 130 GCB error indicating an error to fetch build status.
BUILD_GCB_GET_BUILD_LOG_ERR 131 GCB error indicating an error to fetch build logs.
BUILD_GCB_COPY_BUILD_LOG_ERR 132 GCB error indicating an error to fetch build status.
BUILD_GCB_GET_BUILT_IMAGE_ERR 133 GCB error indicating an error retrieving the built image id.
BUILD_GCB_BUILD_FAILED 134 GCB error indicating build failure.
BUILD_GCB_BUILD_INTERNAL_ERR 135 GCB error indicating build failure due to internal errror.
BUILD_GCB_BUILD_TIMEOUT 136 GCB error indicating build failure due to timeout.
BUILD_GCB_GENERATE_BUILD_DESCRIPTOR_ERR 137 GCB error to generate the build descriptor.
BUILD_GCB_UPLOAD_TO_GCS_ERR 138 GCB error to upload to GCS.
BUILD_GCB_JIB_DEPENDENCY_ERR 139 GCB error to fetch jib artifact dependency.
BUILD_GCB_GET_DEPENDENCY_ERR 140 GCB error to fetch artifact dependency.
BUILD_GCB_GET_GCS_BUCKET_ERR 141 GCB error to get GCS bucket.
BUILD_GCB_CREATE_BUCKET_ERR 142 GCB error to create a GCS bucket.
BUILD_GCB_EXTRACT_PROJECT_ID 143 GCB error to extract Project ID.
BUILD_GET_CLOUD_STORAGE_CLIENT_ERR 144 GCB error to get cloud storage client to perform GCS operation.
BUILD_GET_CLOUD_BUILD_CLIENT_ERR 145 GCB error to get cloud build client to perform GCB operations.
BUILD_UNKNOWN_PLATFORM_FLAG 150 Value provided to –platform flag cannot be parsed
BUILD_CROSS_PLATFORM_ERR 151 Cross-platform build failures
BUILD_CROSS_PLATFORM_NO_REGISTRY_ERR 152 Multi-platfor build fails due to no container registry set
STATUSCHECK_IMAGE_PULL_ERR 300 Container image pull error
STATUSCHECK_CONTAINER_CREATING 301 Container creating error
STATUSCHECK_CONTAINER_TERMINATED 303 Container is already terminated
STATUSCHECK_DEPLOYMENT_ROLLOUT_PENDING 304 Deployment waiting for rollout
STATUSCHECK_STANDALONE_PODS_PENDING 305 Standalone pods pending to stabilize
STATUSCHECK_CONTAINER_RESTARTING 356 Container restarting error
STATUSCHECK_UNHEALTHY 357 Readiness probe failed
STATUSCHECK_CONTAINER_EXEC_ERROR 358 Executable binary format error
STATUSCHECK_NODE_MEMORY_PRESSURE 400 Node memory pressure error
STATUSCHECK_NODE_DISK_PRESSURE 401 Node disk pressure error
STATUSCHECK_NODE_NETWORK_UNAVAILABLE 402 Node network unavailable error
STATUSCHECK_NODE_UNSCHEDULABLE 404 Node unschedulable error
STATUSCHECK_NODE_UNREACHABLE 405 Node unreachable error
STATUSCHECK_NODE_NOT_READY 406 Node not ready error
STATUSCHECK_FAILED_SCHEDULING 407 Scheduler failure error
STATUSCHECK_KUBECTL_PID_KILLED 410 Kubectl process killed error
STATUSCHECK_CONFIG_CONNECTOR_IN_PROGRESS 452 The actual state of the resource has not yet reached the desired state
STATUSCHECK_CONFIG_CONNECTOR_FAILED 453 The process of reconciling the actual state with the desired state has encountered an error
STATUSCHECK_CONFIG_CONNECTOR_TERMINATING 454 The resource is in the process of being deleted
STATUSCHECK_CONFIG_CONNECTOR_NOT_FOUND 455 The resource does not exist
STATUSCHECK_CUSTOM_RESOURCE_IN_PROGRESS 456 The actual state of the resource has not yet reached the desired state
STATUSCHECK_CUSTOM_RESOURCE_FAILED 457 The process of reconciling the actual state with the desired state has encountered an error
STATUSCHECK_CUSTOM_RESOURCE_TERMINATING 458 The resource is in the process of being deleted
STATUSCHECK_CUSTOM_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND 459 The resource does not exist
UNKNOWN_ERROR 500 Could not determine error and phase
STATUSCHECK_UNKNOWN 501 Status Check error unknown
STATUSCHECK_UNKNOWN_UNSCHEDULABLE 502 Container is unschedulable due to unknown reasons
STATUSCHECK_CONTAINER_WAITING_UNKNOWN 503 Container is waiting due to unknown reason
STATUSCHECK_UNKNOWN_EVENT 509 Container event reason unknown
STATUSCHECK_INTERNAL_ERROR 514 Status Check internal error
DEPLOY_UNKNOWN 504 Deploy failed due to unknown reason
SYNC_UNKNOWN 505 SYNC failed due to known reason
BUILD_UNKNOWN 506 Build failed due to unknown reason
DEVINIT_UNKNOWN 507 Dev Init failed due to unknown reason
CLEANUP_UNKNOWN 508 Cleanup failed due to unknown reason
INIT_UNKNOWN 510 Initialization of the Skaffold session failed due to unknown reason(s)
BUILD_DOCKER_UNKNOWN 511 Build failed due to docker unknown error
TEST_UNKNOWN 512 Test failed due to unknown reason
BUILD_GCB_BUILD_UNKNOWN_STATUS 513 GCB error indicating build failed due to unknown status.
SYNC_INIT_ERROR 601 File Sync Initialize failure
DEVINIT_REGISTER_BUILD_DEPS 701 Failed to configure watcher for build dependencies in dev loop
DEVINIT_REGISTER_TEST_DEPS 702 Failed to configure watcher for test dependencies in dev loop
DEVINIT_REGISTER_DEPLOY_DEPS 703 Failed to configure watcher for deploy dependencies in dev loop
DEVINIT_REGISTER_CONFIG_DEP 704 Failed to configure watcher for Skaffold configuration file.
DEVINIT_UNSUPPORTED_V1_MANIFEST 705 Failed to configure watcher for build dependencies for a base image with v1 manifest.
DEVINIT_REGISTER_RENDER_DEPS 706 Failed to configure watcher for render dependencies in dev loop
STATUSCHECK_USER_CANCELLED 800 User cancelled the skaffold dev run
STATUSCHECK_DEADLINE_EXCEEDED 801 Deadline for status check exceeded
BUILD_CANCELLED 802 Build Cancelled
DEPLOY_CANCELLED 803 Deploy cancelled due to user cancellation or one or more deployers failed.
BUILD_DOCKER_CANCELLED 804 Docker build cancelled.
BUILD_DOCKER_DEADLINE 805 Build error due to docker deadline was reached before the docker action completed
INIT_CREATE_TAGGER_ERROR 901 Skaffold was unable to create the configured tagger
INIT_MINIKUBE_PAUSED_ERROR 902 Skaffold was unable to start as Minikube appears to be paused
INIT_MINIKUBE_NOT_RUNNING_ERROR 903 Skaffold was unable to start as Minikube appears to be stopped
INIT_CREATE_BUILDER_ERROR 904 Skaffold was unable to create a configured image builder
INIT_CREATE_DEPLOYER_ERROR 905 Skaffold was unable to create a configured deployer
INIT_CREATE_TEST_DEP_ERROR 906 Skaffold was unable to create a configured test
INIT_CACHE_ERROR 907 Skaffold encountered an error validating the artifact cache
INIT_CREATE_WATCH_TRIGGER_ERROR 908 Skaffold encountered an error when configuring file watching
INIT_CREATE_ARTIFACT_DEP_ERROR 909 Skaffold encountered an error when evaluating artifact dependencies
INIT_CLOUD_RUN_LOCATION_ERROR 910 No Location was specified for Cloud Run
DEPLOY_CLUSTER_CONNECTION_ERR 1001 Unable to connect to cluster
DEPLOY_DEBUG_HELPER_RETRIEVE_ERR 1002 Could not retrieve debug helpers.
DEPLOY_CLEANUP_ERR 1003 Deploy clean up error
DEPLOY_HELM_APPLY_LABELS 1004 Unable to apply helm labels.
DEPLOY_HELM_USER_ERR 1005 Deploy error due to user deploy config for helm deployer
DEPLOY_NO_MATCHING_BUILD 1006 An image was referenced with no matching build result
DEPLOY_HELM_VERSION_ERR 1007 Unable to get helm client version
DEPLOY_HELM_MIN_VERSION_ERR 1008 Helm version not supported.
DEPLOY_KUBECTL_VERSION_ERR 1109 Unable to retrieve kubectl version
DEPLOY_KUBECTL_OFFLINE_MODE_ERR 1010 User specified offline mode for rendering but remote manifests presents.
DEPLOY_ERR_WAITING_FOR_DELETION 1011 Error waiting for previous version deletion before next version is active.
DEPLOY_READ_MANIFEST_ERR 1012 Error reading manifests
DEPLOY_READ_REMOTE_MANIFEST_ERR 1013 Error reading remote manifests
DEPLOY_LIST_MANIFEST_ERR 1014 Errors listing manifests
DEPLOY_KUBECTL_USER_ERR 1015 Deploy error due to user deploy config for kubectl deployer
DEPLOY_KUSTOMIZE_USER_ERR 1016 Deploy error due to user deploy config for kustomize deployer
DEPLOY_REPLACE_IMAGE_ERR 1017 Error replacing a built artifact in the manifests
DEPLOY_TRANSFORM_MANIFEST_ERR 1018 Error transforming a manifest during skaffold debug
DEPLOY_SET_LABEL_ERR 1019 Error setting user specified additional labels.
DEPLOY_MANIFEST_WRITE_ERR 1020 Error writing hydrated kubernetes manifests.
DEPLOY_PARSE_MANIFEST_IMAGES_ERR 1021 Error getting images from a kubernetes manifest.
DEPLOY_HELM_CREATE_NS_NOT_AVAILABLE 1022 Helm config createNamespace not available
DEPLOY_CLUSTER_INTERNAL_SYSTEM_ERR 1023 Kubernetes cluster reported an internal system error
DEPLOY_KPTFILE_INIT_ERR 1024 The Kptfile cannot be created via kpt live init.
DEPLOY_KPT_SOURCE_ERR 1025 The kpt fn source cannot read the given manifests.
DEPLOY_KPTFILE_INVALID_YAML_ERR 1026 The Kptfile exists but cannot be opened or parsed.
DEPLOY_KPT_APPLY_ERR 1027 kpt fails to live apply the manifests to the cluster.
DEPLOY_GET_CLOUD_RUN_CLIENT_ERR 1028 The Cloud Run Client could not be created
DEPLOY_CLOUD_RUN_GET_SERVICE_ERR 1029 The Cloud Run Client could not get details about the service.
DEPLOY_CLOUD_RUN_UPDATE_SERVICE_ERR 1030 The Cloud Run Client was unable to update the service.
DEPLOY_CLOUD_RUN_DELETE_SERVICE_ERR 1031 The Cloud Run Client was unable to delete the service.
TEST_USER_CONFIG_ERR 1101 Error expanding paths
TEST_CST_USER_ERR 1102 Error running container-structure-test
TEST_IMG_PULL_ERR 1103 Unable to docker pull image
TEST_CUSTOM_CMD_PARSE_ERR 1104 Unable to parse test command
TEST_CUSTOM_CMD_RUN_NON_ZERO_EXIT_ERR 1105 Command returned non-zero exit code
TEST_CUSTOM_CMD_RUN_TIMEDOUT_ERR 1106 command cancelled or timed out
TEST_CUSTOM_CMD_RUN_CANCELLED_ERR 1107 command cancelled or timed out
TEST_CUSTOM_CMD_RUN_EXECUTION_ERR 1108 command context error
TEST_CUSTOM_CMD_RUN_EXITED_ERR 1110 command exited
TEST_CUSTOM_CMD_RUN_ERR 1111 error running cmd
TEST_CUSTOM_DEPENDENCIES_CMD_ERR 1112 Error getting dependencies from command
TEST_CUSTOM_DEPENDENCIES_UNMARSHALL_ERR 1113 Unmarshalling dependency output error
TEST_CUSTOM_CMD_RETRIEVE_ERR 1114 Error retrieving the command
RENDER_KPTFILE_INIT_ERR 1501 Render errors The Kptfile cannot be created via kpt pkg init.
RENDER_KPTFILE_INVALID_YAML_ERR 1401 The Kptfile is not a valid yaml file
RENDER_KPTFILE_INVALID_SCHEMA_ERR 1402 The Kptfile is not a valid API schema
RENDER_SET_NAMESPACE_ERR 1403 Error setting namespace.
RENDER_NAMESPACE_ALREADY_SET_ERR 1404 Namespace is already set.
RENDER_REPLACE_IMAGE_ERR 1405 Error replacing a built artifact in the manifests
RENDER_TRANSFORM_MANIFEST_ERR 1406 Error transforming a manifest during skaffold debug
RENDER_SET_LABEL_ERR 1407 Error setting user specified additional labels.
RENDER_MANIFEST_WRITE_ERR 1408 Error writing hydrated kubernetes manifests.
RENDER_PARSE_MANIFEST_IMAGES_ERR 1409 Error getting images from a kubernetes manifest.
CONFIG_FILE_PARSING_ERR 1201 Catch-all configuration file parsing error
CONFIG_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR 1202 Main configuration file not found
CONFIG_DEPENDENCY_NOT_FOUND_ERR 1203 Dependency configuration file not found
CONFIG_DUPLICATE_NAMES_SAME_FILE_ERR 1204 Duplicate config names in the same configuration file
CONFIG_DUPLICATE_NAMES_ACROSS_FILES_ERR 1205 Duplicate config names in two configuration files
CONFIG_BAD_FILTER_ERR 1206 No configs matching configs filter
CONFIG_ZERO_FOUND_ERR 1207 No configs parsed from current file
CONFIG_APPLY_PROFILES_ERR 1208 Failed to apply profiles to config
CONFIG_DEFAULT_VALUES_ERR 1209 Failed to set default config values
CONFIG_FILE_PATHS_SUBSTITUTION_ERR 1210 Failed to substitute absolute file paths in config
CONFIG_MULTI_IMPORT_PROFILE_CONFLICT_ERR 1211 Same config imported at least twice with different set of profiles
CONFIG_PROFILES_NOT_FOUND_ERR 1212 Profile selection did not match known profile names
CONFIG_UNKNOWN_API_VERSION_ERR 1213 Config API version not found
CONFIG_UNKNOWN_VALIDATOR 1214 The validator is not allowed in skaffold-managed mode.
CONFIG_UNKNOWN_TRANSFORMER 1215 The transformer is not allowed in skaffold-managed mode.
CONFIG_MISSING_MANIFEST_FILE_ERR 1216 Manifest file not found
CONFIG_REMOTE_REPO_CACHE_NOT_FOUND_ERR 1217 Remote config repository cache not found and sync disabled
CONFIG_UPGRADE_ERR 1218 Skaffold config version mismatch
INSPECT_UNKNOWN_ERR 1301 Catch-all skaffold inspect command error
INSPECT_BUILD_ENV_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERR 1302 Trying to add new build environment that already exists
INSPECT_BUILD_ENV_INCORRECT_TYPE_ERR 1303 Trying to modify build environment that doesn’t exist
INSPECT_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR 1304 Trying to modify a profile that doesn’t exist
LOG_STREAM_RUN_GCLOUD_NOT_FOUND 1603 GCloud not found error


Enum for Suggestion codes

Name Number Description
NIL 0 default nil suggestion. This is usually set when no error happens.
ADD_DEFAULT_REPO 100 Add Default Repo
CHECK_DEFAULT_REPO 101 Verify Default Repo
CHECK_DEFAULT_REPO_GLOBAL_CONFIG 102 Verify default repo in the global config
GCLOUD_DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIGURE 103 run gcloud docker auth configure
DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIGURE 104 Run docker auth configure
CHECK_GCLOUD_PROJECT 105 Verify Gcloud Project
CHECK_DOCKER_RUNNING 106 Check if docker is running
FIX_USER_BUILD_ERR 107 Fix User Build Error
DOCKER_BUILD_RETRY 108 Docker build internal error, try again
FIX_CACHE_FROM_ARTIFACT_CONFIG 109 Fix cacheFrom config for given artifact and try again
FIX_SKAFFOLD_CONFIG_DOCKERFILE 110 Fix dockerfile config for a given artifact and try again.
FIX_JIB_PLUGIN_CONFIGURATION 111 Use a supported Jib plugin type
FIX_DOCKER_NETWORK_CONTAINER_NAME 112 Docker build network invalid docker container name (or id).
CHECK_DOCKER_NETWORK_CONTAINER_RUNNING 113 Docker build network container not existing in the current context.
FIX_DOCKER_NETWORK_MODE_WHEN_EXTRACTING_CONTAINER_NAME 114 Executing extractContainerNameFromNetworkMode with a non valid mode (only container mode allowed)
RUN_DOCKER_PRUNE 115 Prune Docker image
SET_CLEANUP_FLAG 116 Set Cleanup flag for skaffold command.
BUILD_FIX_UNKNOWN_PLATFORM_FLAG 117 Check value provided to the --platform flag
BUILD_INSTALL_PLATFORM_EMULATORS 118 Check if QEMU platform emulators are installed
SET_PUSH_AND_CONTAINER_REGISTRY 119 Set –push and container registry to run a multi-platform build
CHECK_CLUSTER_CONNECTION 201 Check cluster connection
CHECK_MINIKUBE_STATUS 202 Check minikube status
INSTALL_HELM 203 Install helm tool
UPGRADE_HELM 204 Upgrade helm tool
FIX_SKAFFOLD_CONFIG_HELM_ARTIFACT_OVERRIDES 205 Fix helm releases.artifactOverrides config to match with build.artifacts (no longer used in Skaffold v2)
UPGRADE_HELM32 206 Upgrade helm version to v3.2.0 and higher.
FIX_SKAFFOLD_CONFIG_HELM_CREATE_NAMESPACE 207 Set releases.createNamespace to false.
INVALID_KPT_MANIFESTS 208 check the Kptfile validation.
ALIGN_KPT_INVENTORY 209 align the inventory info in kpt live apply.
INSTALL_KUBECTL 220 Install kubectl tool
SPECIFY_CLOUD_RUN_LOCATION 230 Specify Cloud Run Location
CHECK_CONTAINER_LOGS 301 Container run error
CHECK_READINESS_PROBE 302 Pod Health check error
CHECK_CONTAINER_IMAGE 303 Check Container image
ADDRESS_NODE_MEMORY_PRESSURE 400 Node pressure error
ADDRESS_NODE_DISK_PRESSURE 401 Node disk pressure error
ADDRESS_NODE_NETWORK_UNAVAILABLE 402 Node network unavailable error
ADDRESS_NODE_PID_PRESSURE 403 Node PID pressure error
ADDRESS_NODE_UNSCHEDULABLE 404 Node unschedulable error
ADDRESS_NODE_UNREACHABLE 405 Node unreachable error
ADDRESS_NODE_NOT_READY 406 Node not ready error
ADDRESS_FAILED_SCHEDULING 407 Scheduler failure error
CHECK_HOST_CONNECTION 408 Cluster Connectivity error
START_MINIKUBE 501 Minikube is stopped: use minikube start
UNPAUSE_MINIKUBE 502 Minikube is paused: use minikube unpause
RUN_DOCKER_PULL 551 Run Docker pull for the image with v1 manifest and try again.
SET_RENDER_FLAG_OFFLINE_FALSE 600 Rerun with correct offline flag value.
KPTFILE_MANUAL_INIT 601 Manually run kpt pkg init or kpt live init
KPTFILE_CHECK_YAML 602 Check if the Kptfile is correct.
REMOVE_NAMESPACE_FROM_MANIFESTS 603 Remove namespace from manifests
CONFIG_CHECK_FILE_PATH 700 Check configuration file path
CONFIG_CHECK_DEPENDENCY_DEFINITION 701 Check dependency config definition
CONFIG_CHANGE_NAMES 702 Change config name to avoid duplicates
CONFIG_CHECK_FILTER 703 Check config filter
CONFIG_CHECK_PROFILE_DEFINITION 704 Check profile definition in current config
CONFIG_CHECK_DEPENDENCY_PROFILES_SELECTION 705 Check active profile selection for dependency config
CONFIG_CHECK_PROFILE_SELECTION 706 Check profile selection flag
CONFIG_FIX_API_VERSION 707 Fix config API version or upgrade the skaffold binary
CONFIG_ALLOWLIST_VALIDATORS 708 Only the allow listed validators are acceptable in skaffold-managed mode.
CONFIG_ALLOWLIST_transformers 709 Only the allow listed transformers are acceptable in skaffold-managed mode.
CONFIG_FIX_MISSING_MANIFEST_FILE 710 Check mising manifest file section of config and fix as needed.
CONFIG_ENABLE_REMOTE_REPO_SYNC 711 Enable remote repo sync, or clone manually
CONFIG_FIX_SKAFFOLD_CONFIG_VERSION 712 Upgrade skaffold config version to latest
INSPECT_USE_MODIFY_OR_NEW_PROFILE 800 Create new build env in a profile instead, or use the ‘modify’ command
INSPECT_USE_ADD_BUILD_ENV 801 Check profile selection, or use the ‘add’ command instead
INSPECT_CHECK_INPUT_PROFILE 802 Check profile flag value
OPEN_ISSUE 900 Open an issue so this situation can be diagnosed
CHECK_CUSTOM_COMMAND 1000 Test error suggestion codes


Enum indicating test tools used

Name Number Description
UNKNOWN_TEST_TYPE 0 Could not determine Test Type
UNIT 1 Unit tests
CONTAINER_STRUCTURE_TEST 2 Container Structure tests
Last modified January 23, 2025: release: v2.14.0 (#9668) (f132ab25)