Helm [UPDATED]  beta 

helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that helps you manage Kubernetes applications. Skaffold natively supports iterative development for projects configured to use helm.

Configuring your Helm Project with Skaffold

Skaffold supports projects set up to render and/or deploy with Helm, but certain aspects of the project need to be configured correctly in order for Skaffold to work properly. This guide should demystify some of the nuance around using Skaffold with Helm to help you get started quickly.

How helm render support works in Skaffold

In the latest version of Skaffold, the primary methods of using helm templating with Skaffold involve the deploy.helm.setValueTemplates and the deploy.helm.setValues fields. deploy.helm.setValues supplies the key:value pair to substitute from a users values.yaml file (a standard helm file for rendering). deploy.helm.setValueTemplates does a similar thing only the key:value value comes from an environment variable instead of a given value. Depending on how a user’s values.yaml and how charts/templates specify image: $IMAGE_TEMPLATE, the docs here explain the proper setValueTemplates to use. When migrating from schema version v2beta29 or less, Skaffold will automatically configure these values to continue to work.

helm deploy support in Skaffold is accomplished by calling helm template ... with the appropriate --set flags for the variables Skaffold will inject as well as uses the skaffold binary as a helm --post-renderer. Using skaffold as a post-renderer is done to inject Skaffold specific labels primarily the run-id label which Skaffold uses to tag K8s objects it will manage via it’s status checking.

This works by having Skaffold run helm template ... taking into consideration all of the supplied flags, skaffold.yaml configuration, etc. and creating an intermediate yaml manifest with all helm replacements except that the fully qualified image from the current run is NOT added but instead a placeholder with the artifact name - eg: skaffold-helm-image. Then the skaffold post-renderer is called to convert image: skaffold-helm-image -> image: gcr.io/example-repo/skaffold-helm-image:latest@sha256:<sha256-hash> in specified locations (specific allowlisted k8s objects and/or k8s object fields). This above replacement is nearly identical to how it works for values.yaml files using only the image key in values.yaml - eg: image: "{{.Values.image}}"

When using image.repository + image.tag or image.registry + image.repository + image.tag - eg: image: "{{.Values.image.repository}}:{{.Values.image.tag}}" image: "{{.Values.image.registry}}/{{.Values.image.repository}}:{{.Values.image.tag}}" there is some specialized logic that the skaffold post-renderer uses to properly handling these cases. See the docs here on the correct way to specify these for Skaffold using setValueTemplates

Image Configuration

The normal Helm convention for defining image references is through the values.yaml file. Often, image information is configured through an image stanza in the values file, which might look something like this:


  repository: gcr.io/my-repo # default repo
  tag: v1.2.0 # default tag 
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # default PullPolicy
  repository: gcr.io/my-repo-2 # default repo
  tag: latest # default tag 
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # default PullPolicy

This images would then be referenced in a templated resource file, maybe like this:


        - name: {{ .Chart.Name }}
          image: {{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag}}
          imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }}
        - name: {{ .Chart.Name }}
          image: {{ .Values.image2.repository }}:{{ .Values.image2.tag}}
          imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image2.pullPolicy }}

IMPORTANT: To get Skaffold to work with Helm, the image key must be configured in the skaffold.yaml.

Associating the Helm image key allows Skaffold to track the image being built, and then configure Helm to substitute it in the proper resource definitions to be deployed to your cluster. In practice, this looks something like this:

    - image: myFirstImage # must match in setValueTemplates
    - image: mySecondImage # must match in setValueTemplates
    - name: my-release
        image.repository: "{{.IMAGE_REPO_myFirstImage}}"
        image.tag: "{{.IMAGE_TAG_myFirstImage}}"
        image2.repository: "{{.IMAGE_REPO_mySecondImage}}"
        image2.tag: "{{.IMAGE_TAG_mySecondImage}}"
        image.pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
        image2.pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"

The setValues configuration binds a Helm key to the specified value. The setValueTemplates configuration binds a Helm key to an environment variable. Skaffold generates useful environment variables (available via setValueTemplates) for each build artifact (value in build.artifacts[x].image). Currenty these include:

Helm Template Value Example Value
{{.IMAGE_FULLY_QUALIFIED_<artifact-name>}} gcr.io/example-repo/myImage:latest@sha256:<sha256-hash>
{{.IMAGE_REPO_<artifact-name>}} gcr.io/example-repo/myImage
{{.IMAGE_TAG_<artifact-name>}} latest
{{.IMAGE_DIGEST_<artifact-name>}} sha256:<sha256-hash>
{{.IMAGE_DOMAIN_<artifact-name>}} gcr.io
{{.IMAGE_REPO_NO_DOMAIN_<artifact-name>}} example-repo

Sanitizing the artifact name from invalid go template characters

The <artifact-name> (eg: {{.IMAGE_FULLY_QUALIFIED_<artifact-name>}}) when used with setValueTemplates cannot have /, -, ., or : characters. If you have an artifact name with these characters (eg: localhost/nginx or gcr.io/foo-image/foo), change them to use _ in place of these characters in the setValueTemplates field

Artifact name Sanitized Name
localhost/nginx localhost_nginx
gcr.io/example-repo/myImage gcr_io_example_repo_myImage
gcr.io/example-repo/myImage:1234_container gcr_io_example_repo_myImage_1234_container


    - image: localhost/nginx  # must match in setValueTemplates w/ `/` & `-` changed to `_`
      - name: my-chart
        chartPath: helm
          image: {{.IMAGE_FULLY_QUALIFIED_localhost_nginx}}

Image reference strategies

Skaffold supports three image reference strategies for Helm:

  1. fqn: provides a fully-qualified image reference (default);
  2. helm: provides separate repository and tag portions (shown above);
  3. helm+explicitRegistry: provides separate registry, repository, and tag portions.

fqn strategy: single fully-qualified name (default)

With the fully-qualified name strategy, Skaffold configures Helm by setting a key to the fully-tagged image reference.

The skaffold.yaml setup:

    - image: myFirstImage  # must match in setValueTemplates
    - image: mySecondImage  # must match in setValueTemplates
      - name: my-chart
        chartPath: helm
          image: {{.IMAGE_FULLY_QUALIFIED_myFirstImage}}
          image2: {{.IMAGE_FULLY_QUALIFIED_mySecondImage}}

The values.yaml (note that Skaffold overrides this value):

image: gcr.io/other-project/other-image:latest
image2: gcr.io/other-project/other-image:latest

The chart template:

    - name: {{ .Chart.Name }}
      image: "{{.Values.image}}"
    - name: {{ .Chart.Name }}
      image: "{{.Values.image2}}"

Skaffold will invoke

helm template <chart> <chart-path> --set-string image=<artifact-name>,image2=<artifact-name> --post-renderer=<path-to-skaffold-binary-from-original-invocation>

helm strategy: split repository and tag

Skaffold can be configured to provide Helm with a separate repository and tag. The key used in the artifactOverrides is used as base portion producing two keys {key}.repository and {key}.tag.

The skaffold.yaml setup:

    - image: myFirstImage # must match in setValueTemplates
    - image: mySecondImage # must match in setValueTemplates
      - name: my-chart
        chartPath: helm
          image.repository: "{{.IMAGE_REPO_myFirstImage}}"
          image.tag: "{{.IMAGE_TAG_myFirstImage}}@{{.IMAGE_DIGEST_myFirstImage}}"
          image2.repository: "{{.IMAGE_REPO_mySecondImage}}"
          image2.tag: "{{.IMAGE_TAG_mySecondImage}}@{{.IMAGE_DIGEST_mySecondImage}}"

The values.yaml (note that Skaffold overrides these values):

  repository: gcr.io/other-project/other-image
  tag: latest
  repository: gcr.io/other-project/other-image
  tag: latest

The chart template:

    - name: {{ .Chart.Name }}
      image: "{{.Values.image.repository}}:{{.Values.image.tag}}"
    - name: {{ .Chart.Name }}
      image: "{{.Values.image2.repository}}:{{.Values.image2.tag}}"

Skaffold will invoke

helm template <chart> <chart-path> --set-string image.repository=<artifact-name>,image.tag=<artifact-name>,image2.repository=<artifact-name>,image2.tag=<artifact-name>  --post-renderer=<path-to-skaffold-binary-from-original-invocation>

helm+explicitRegistry strategy: split registry, repository, and tag

Skaffold can also be configured to provide Helm with a separate repository and tag. The key used in the artifactOverrides is used as base portion producing three keys: {key}.registry, {key}.repository, and {key}.tag.

The skaffold.yaml setup:

    - image: myFirstImage # must match in setValueTemplates
    - image: mySecondImage # must match in setValueTemplates
      - name: my-chart
        chartPath: helm
          image.registry: "{{.IMAGE_DOMAIN_myFirstImage}}"
          image.repository: "{{.IMAGE_REPO_NO_DOMAIN_myFirstImage}}"
          image.tag: "{{.IMAGE_TAG_myFirstImage}}@{{.IMAGE_DIGEST_myFirstImage}}"
          image2.registry: "{{.IMAGE_DOMAIN_mySecondImage}}"
          image2.repository: "{{.IMAGE_REPO_NO_DOMAIN_mySecondImage}}"
          image2.tag: "{{.IMAGE_TAG_mySecondImage}}@{{.IMAGE_DIGEST_mySecondImage}}"

The values.yaml (note that Skaffold overrides these values):

  registry: gcr.io
  repository: other-project/other-image
  tag: latest
  registry: gcr.io
  repository: other-project/other-image
  tag: latest

The chart template:

    - name: {{ .Chart.Name }}
      image: "{{.Values.image.registry}}/{{.Values.image.repository}}:{{.Values.image.tag}}"

Skaffold will invoke

helm template <chart> <chart-path> --set-string image.registry=<artifact-name>,image.repository=<artifact-name>,image.tag=<artifact-name>,image2.registry=<artifact-name>,image2.repository=<artifact-name>,image2.tag=<artifcact-name>  --post-renderer=<path-to-skaffold-binary-from-original-invocation>

Helm Build Dependencies

The skipBuildDependencies flag toggles whether dependencies of the Helm chart are built with the helm dep build command. This command manipulates files inside the charts subfolder of the specified Helm chart.

If skipBuildDependencies is false then skaffold dev does not watch the charts subfolder of the Helm chart, in order to prevent a build loop - the actions of helm dep build always trigger another build.

If skipBuildDependencies is true then skaffold dev watches all files inside the Helm chart.

skaffold.yaml Configuration

The helm type offers the following options:

Option Description

Each release includes the following fields:

Option Description Default
name Required name of the Helm release. It accepts environment variables via the go template syntax.
chartPath local path to a packaged Helm chart or an unpacked Helm chart directory.
remoteChart refers to a remote Helm chart reference or URL.
valuesFiles paths to the Helm values files. []
namespace Kubernetes namespace.
version version of the chart.
setValues key-value pairs. If present, Skaffold will send --set flag to Helm CLI and append all pairs after the flag.
setValueTemplates key-value pairs. If present, Skaffold will try to parse the value part of each key-value pair using environment variables in the system, then send --set flag to Helm CLI and append all parsed pairs after the flag.
setFiles key-value pairs. If present, Skaffold will send --set-file flag to Helm CLI and append all pairs after the flag. {}
createNamespace if true, Skaffold will send --create-namespace flag to Helm CLI. --create-namespace flag is available in Helm since version 3.2. Defaults is false.
wait if true, Skaffold will send --wait flag to Helm CLI. false
recreatePods if true, Skaffold will send --recreate-pods flag to Helm CLI when upgrading a new version of a chart in subsequent dev loop deploy. false
skipBuildDependencies should build dependencies be skipped. Ignored for remoteChart. false
skipTests should ignore helm test during manifests generation. false
useHelmSecrets instructs skaffold to use secrets plugin on deployment. false
repo specifies the helm repository for remote charts. If present, Skaffold will send --repo Helm CLI flag or flags.
upgradeOnChange specifies whether to upgrade helm chart on code changes. Default is true when helm chart is local (has chartPath). Default is false when helm chart is remote (has remoteChart).
overrides key-value pairs. If present, Skaffold will build a Helm values file that overrides the original and use it to call Helm CLI (--f flag).
packaged parameters for packaging helm chart (helm package).
dependsOn a list of Helm release names that this deploy depends on. []
Last modified January 23, 2025: release: v2.14.0 (#9668) (f132ab25)