Deploy Status Checking  beta 

This page describes how Skaffold’s deployment status checking waits for deployed resources to become ready, and reports errors if they fails to stabilize within a certain time period.


Commands that trigger a deployment, like skaffold dev, skaffold deploy, skaffold run, and skaffold apply, monitor select Kubernetes resources and wait for them to become ready.

Skaffold monitors the status of the following resource types:

  • Pod: check that the pod and its containers are in a Ready state.
  • Deployment: check the output of kubectl rollout status deployment command
  • Stateful Sets: check the output of kubectl rollout status statefulset command
Waiting for deployments to stabilize
 - default:deployment/leeroy-app Waiting for rollout to finish: 0 of 1 updated replicas are available...
 - default:deployment/leeroy-web Waiting for rollout to finish: 0 of 1 updated replicas are available...
 - default:deployment/leeroy-web is ready. [1/2 deployment(s) still pending]
 - default:deployment/leeroy-app is ready.
Deployments stabilized in 2.168799605s

Configuring timeout for status-check

You can also configure the time for deployments to stabilize with the statusCheckDeadlineSeconds config field in the skaffold.yaml.

For example, to configure deployments to stabilize within 5 minutes:

  statusCheckDeadlineSeconds: 300
  kubectl: {}

With the --status-check flag, for each Deployment resource, skaffold deploy will wait for the time specified by progressDeadlineSeconds from the deployment configuration.

If the Deployment.spec.progressDeadlineSeconds is not set, Skaffold will either wait for the time specified in the statusCheckDeadlineSeconds field of the deployment config stanza in the skaffold.yaml, or default to 10 minutes if this is not specified.

In the case that both statusCheckDeadlineSeconds and Deployment.spec.progressDeadlineSeconds are set, precedence is given to Deployment.spec.progressDeadline only if it is less than statusCheckDeadlineSeconds.

For example, the Deployment below with progressDeadlineSeconds set to 5 minutes,

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: getting-started
  progressDeadlineSeconds: 300
      - name: cannot-run

if the skaffold.yaml overrides the deadline to make sure deployment stabilizes in a 60 seconds,

apiVersion: skaffold/v1
  statusCheckDeadlineSeconds: 60
    - k8s-*

Running skaffold deploy

skaffold deploy --status-check

will result in an error after waiting for 1 minute:

Tags used in deployment:
Starting deploy...
kubectl client version: 1.11+
kubectl version 1.12.0 or greater is recommended for use with Skaffold
 - deployment.apps/getting-started created
Waiting for deployments to stabilize
 - default:deployment/getting-started Waiting for rollout to finish: 0 of 1 updated replicas are available...
 - default:deployment/getting-started failed. Error: received Ctrl-C or deployments could not stabilize within 1m: kubectl rollout status command interrupted.
FATA[0006] 1/1 deployment(s) failed

Configuring failure behavior for status-check

You can also configure status checking’s failure tolerance with the tolerateFailuresUntilDeadline config field in the skaffold.yaml as well as the flag --tolerate-failures-until-deadline.

The tolerateFailuresUntilDeadline modifies the status check to no longer exit when a single deployment fails (desired for local dev) but to instead tolerate failures until the status check deadline is reached (either default 10 minute deadline or specified via statusCheckDeadlineSeconds). As such it should normally be used with the statusCheckDeadlineSeconds option so that the deadline is known/set by the user. This is useful in CI/CD use cases where deployments may fail/flap for a time period while different services initialize but eventually are healthy and stable. Using this command essentially makes it so that skaffold waits for all deployed resources to be successful or times out, not exiting on any single deployment failure (which might go away) as the status check does by default.

For example, to configure deployments to stabilize within 5 minutes AND TO NOT FAIL UNTIL the time period is reached:

  statusCheckDeadlineSeconds: 300
  tolerateFailuresUntilDeadline: true
  kubectl: {}

Configuring status-check for multiple deployers or multiple modules

If you define multiple deployers, say kubectl, helm, and kustomize, all in the same skaffold config, or compose a multi-config project by importing other configs as dependencies, then the status-check can be run in one of two ways:

  • Single status check after all deployers are run. This is the default and it runs a single status-check at the end for resources deployed from all deployers across all skaffold configs.
  • Per-deployer status check. This can be enabled by using the --iterative-status-check=true flag. This will run a status-check iteratively after every individual deployer runs. This can be especially useful when there are startup dependencies between services, or you need to strictly enforce the time and order in which resources are deployed.
Last modified January 23, 2025: release: v2.14.0 (#9668) (f132ab25)