Manage CRDs w/ Skaffold - Configuring Which K8s Resources & Fields Skaffold Manages

Common Use Cases This Page Helps Resolve:

  • Users who want skaffold to properly manage the rendering and deployment of their custom CRDs (as skaffold does with K8s objects like Pod, Deployment.apps, etc.)
    • Additionally users w/ a CRD that uses a different field name for image: (eg: foo:) and want skaffold to properly modify the value to instead have the image label for the image skaffold recently built
  • Users who are seeing issues with skaffold’s default resource field overwriting for a given resource - eg: skaffold errors as it tries to mutate immutable config on re-deployment

Currently skaffold modifies the manifests it renders and deploys for the following functionality:

  • status checking - done by mutating the manifest/K8s-Object by adding a label - skaffold/dev/run-id. Skaffold uses this run-id to identify the deployments Skaffold manages with it’s status checking.
  • image label overwriting - done by mutating the manifest/K8s-Object by substituting the image:$ORIGINAL_IMAGE_TAG value(s) in a manifest with image:$RECENT_SKAFFOLD_BUILT_IMAGE

Skaffold has by default the following resources set for management via field “labels:” and “image:” overwriting:

The below list is derived from the values defined here

  • Pod
  • DaemonSet.apps
  • Deployment.apps
  • ReplicaSet.apps
  • StatefulSet.apps (with the exception of .spec.volumeClaimTemplates.*.metadata.labels field(s))
  • CronJob.batch
  • Job.batch
  • DaemonSet.extensions
  • Deployment.extensions
  • ReplicaSet.extension
  • *

This default overwriting modifies all JSON Paths for those GroupKinds of the form:

  • *.metadata.labels (skaffold appends a run-id label to existing labels or adds a labels field with a run-id entry if it didn’t exist prior)
  • *.image (changes image: value to be the skaffold built image ONLY IF skaffold manages the original image: value)

The GroupKind’s that Skaffold manages (via resource field overwriting) are user configurable via the resourceSelector: top level configuration.
The resourceSelector configuration allows users to modify and extend which resources and what fields of those resources skaffold modifies.
Currently skaffold only supports label: and .metadata.labels related modifications.

resourceSelector spec (from pkg/skaffold/schema/latest/config.go)

// ResourceSelector describes user defined filters describing how skaffold should treat objects/fields during rendering.
ResourceSelector ResourceSelectorConfig `yaml:"resourceSelector,omitempty"`
// ResourceSelectorConfig contains all the configuration needed by the deploy steps.
type ResourceSelectorConfig struct {
	// Allow configures an allowlist for transforming manifests.
	Allow []ResourceFilter `yaml:"allow,omitempty"`
	// Deny configures an allowlist for transforming manifests.
	Deny []ResourceFilter `yaml:"deny,omitempty"`
// ResourceFilter contains definition to filter which resource to transform.
type ResourceFilter struct {
	// GroupKind is the compact format of a resource type.
	GroupKind string `yaml:"groupKind" yamltags:"required"`
	// Image is an optional slice of JSON-path-like paths of where to rewrite images.
	Image []string `yaml:"image,omitempty"`
	// Labels is an optional slice of JSON-path-like paths of where to add a labels block if missing.
	Labels []string `yaml:"labels,omitempty"`
	// PodSpec is an optional slice of JSON-path-like paths of where pod spec properties can be overwritten.
	PodSpec []string `yaml:"podSpec,omitempty"`

The values for Image and Labels support a JSON Path style string which designates a path to a field in the speified GroupKind.
Additionally there is a special .* value that can be used which means that skaffold will attempt to overwrite all relevant labels following the below rules:

  • image: [".*"] -> replace all fields which follow *.image: where the value is an image that skaffold manages/builds
  • labels: [".*"] -> append-to or create a field named *.metadata.labels if a field *.metadata is found

Some example use cases and motivations for the resourceSelector are shown below:

  • Skaffold Management of Custom CRD - The below snippet using resourceSelector allows a user to configure skaffold to manage a custom CRD (eg: they’ve created for their application in a skaffold.
    Without this snippet, skaffold would apply the yaml but would not properly wait for child resources or replace the image: values with skaffold built images
apiVersion: skaffold/v3alpha1
kind: Config
    - image: my-image
      context: my-image
  - my-manifests-*
    - groupKind: ""
      image: [".*"]
      labels: [".*"]

Using the above configuation, skaffold will properly update any *.image field and *.metadata.labels field allowing it to work as expected (similar to Pod, Deployment.apps, etc.)

  • Fix Issue With Skaffold Overwriting Immutable Field - The below snippet using resourceSelector shows a user configuring skaffold to change it’s behaviour to NOT overwrite a resource’s field to prevent K8s errors related to overwriting an immutable field:
    The below configuration is actually a part of skaffold’s default configuration, just made into a snippet to use as an example
apiVersion: skaffold/v3alpha1
kind: Config
    - image: my-image
      context: my-image
  - my-manifests-*
    - groupKind: "StatefulSet.apps"
      image: [".*"]
      labels: [".*"]
    - groupKind: "StatefulSet.apps"
      labels: [".spec.volumeClaimTemplates.*.metadata.labels"]
  • Allow image: Overwriting For Differently Named Image Field(s) - The below snippet using resourceSelector shows a user configuring skaffold to change it’s behaviour to overwrite a resource’s foo:field with skaffold built images.
    This allows skaffold to properly support the images skaffold builds this resources which uses foo: instead of image: for an image value:
apiVersion: skaffold/v3alpha1
kind: Config
    - image: my-image
      context: my-image
  - my-manifests-*
    - groupKind: ""
      image: [".*", "*.name"]
      labels: [".*"]
Last modified January 23, 2025: release: v2.14.0 (#9668) (f132ab25)